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Meditate for Unity

Akhanda Meditate for Unity 2016


The ghee flame has been burning continuously since 5:30am 25th July.

It would be wonderful if we can all meet at Rosebank Gardens, Great Malvern on Sunday the 31st of July 2016 for a 30 minute “Meditation for Unity” between 10-10:30am. It would be good to "practice" with all those who have contributed and wish to contribute to this wonderful energy.

This will not be a guided practice but simply your own practice or the practice you have been undertaking during any part of the Akhanda Meditate for Unity between the 25th – 31st July 2016. All are welcome to join us. Friends from across the Atlantic and those who cannot be with us, we will be thinking of you all.

We are now approaching the end of day four of seven of the unbroken

Meditation practice for Unity and the response has been overwhelming. People and groups are still volunteering their time to this Akhanda Meditation. I have now posted a calendar, which is updated on a daily basis, showing the meditation slots and how they are allocated. This can be viewed on, in the blogs section.

From the level of support “Meditate for Unity” has received, the emails and messages that I have read, the people Divya and I have spoken with, three themes emerge. The first, people are experiencing an inner turmoil in this fast moving world which makes it difficult even to think freely. Practices such as these reveal a reality which puts into perspective events that appear to be out of our control. To know someone is participating in an unbroken meditative practice where you are an intrinsic and valued part of that chain reminds us of a bond, which is experienced by the depth which is given to the individual practice.

In an Akhanda Meditation, usually called “Akhanda Japa”, a single mantra is recited continuously over a period of time by a group of people who take it in turns to recite the mantra so that it’s recitation is unbroken. This can go on for years.

Meditate for Unity does not have a single mantra that is recited in an unbroken chain but the thread that connects, is a common recognition of an inner turmoil and trying to heal in what is a fast moving world. Knowing other people are sharing in this by committing their time to meditate in an unbroken chain, irrespective of background, connects us. An awareness of this, is in itself a mantra that needs no articulation, it is healing and is beyond any ownership other than that of humanity. It is hope and this is the fragrance of the Practice.

Illuminate your world with love, peace and happiness.

Raj & Divya x

28 July 2016

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