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Shari Friedrichson is leading a Yoga retreat for women at Poulstone Retreat Centre 23-25th March 201

For the past few months, we have been organising for the very wonderful Shari Friedrichsen to come to Poulstone Retreat Centre and lead a Yoga retreat.

And it’s been organised (yeah). It’s a yoga retreat for women, celebrating the divine feminine force and called “Power, Grace and Beauty”. The dates are the 23rd -25th March 2018 and will take place during the special time of Navratri, a period dedicated to the divine feminine force.

Shari is a very special teacher with exceptional insights into grace, flow and the subtle body, which is very much part of her teachings. She has been teaching Yoga for over 38yrs, is a faculty teacher of the Himalayan Institute and direct student of some amazing Yogis; Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Rolf Sovik, Amma Karunamayi and BKS Iyenger !

As always, if there any questions or anything I can assist in, please contact us.

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