Cafe Upanishad at Abbey Road Coffee shop
Café Upanishad is a place for discussion, teaching and practice of the spiritual and philosophical gems from India, over a cup of chai,...
Meditate for Unity 2018 www.meditate Very pleased to announce dates for Meditate for Unity 2018, a non stop 7 day Akhanda meditation Practice and the...
Meditation at the Temple
Exciting, teaching Meditation at the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple to Barristers in January , February & May 2018. What a...
Shari Friedrichson is leading a Yoga retreat for women at Poulstone Retreat Centre 23-25th March 201
For the past few months, we have been organising for the very wonderful Shari Friedrichsen to come to Poulstone Retreat Centre and lead a...
Entering the Breath Mind Universe
Three classes of advanced meditation practices at the Fold (in the Cart house) on the 6th, 20th & 27th October 2017 by Rajesh Rai. This...
Akhanda Meditate for Unity 17 Update 17 07 17
MEDITATE FOR UNITY 2017 24 JULY – 30 JULY Less than 7days to go before we begin Meditate for Unity 2017. I am pleased to say that between...
Akhanda Meditate for Unity update 090717
24 July 2017 – 30 July 2017 Only three weeks to go before Akhanda Meditation for Unity begins. Thank you for joining hands and...